Saturday 16 October 2010

Principles of Editing: Motivated Edits


A motivated edit is a cut which is done by an action or sound. Motivated edits will keep the pace of the action, which creates a more dynamic viewing for the audience. Motivated edits happen in films when the subject hears a noise and when they turn to see what the noise was, it edit will cut to where the subject is looking.

For example, in this scene from 30 days of night, the protagonist is walking to a door with an axe in this hand, we see him walking towards the door and in the scene it cuts from the protagonists walking and when small noises are heard from behind the door it cuts to the door. Just when the audience think nothing is behind the door, the door is ripped open by a young vampire. Using motivated edits works in this scene because the motivated edits at the beginning only cut from the door to the protagonist but as the young vampire appears we see a fast paced motivated edit.

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